Wednesday, October 8

In the News...

The beginning of the Blood Moon eclipse last night...
They say our Trade Winds are returning...
There's big surf on its way...
But the
Best News
Schatzie's blood work came back with NO PROBLEMS indicated,
everything well within the normal perimeters.
(may have been a issue with the machine)
 guess I didn't need all that lost sleep last week anyway!



  1. that is fantastic news!!!! YAY for Schatzie... and for all of you...

  2. We saw that this morning. Gorgeous
    Lily & Edward

  3. That is the best news!

    Beautiful moon picture!

    Monty and Harlow

  4. Whew! Great news!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Awesome and wonderful news. I can imagine your relief.

    Wonderful moon photo. I couldn't bear to get up at the time of the eclipse...

  6. Very good news for Schatzie!
    The trades are always welcome and nice picture of the moon!

  7. We saw the blood moon yesterday morning. Bailie and Mom saw it first on their run, and then when Katie and I walked, the moon was turning back to its old self. Really neat to see and made it worthwhile having to be up and out so very early.

  8. Oh awesome news! Maybe that blood moon had helped fixed the blood tests?

  9. We agree, that IS the best news. Major relief. So, surgery coming up now? (so, more worrying!)

  10. VERY nice shot of the moon! You are getting really good!

    Glad to hear about the bloodwork. I can't imagine having to wait more than a few hours for results like that, much less a few days.


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