Friday, December 30

Today is Schatzie's Day...

Five years ago today, Ron and I drove to South Dakota in an ice storm
 to pick up our little shepherd puppy.
Yep, today is Schatzie's Gotcha Day!!

 Happy Gotcha Day Schatzie

 Getting a baby sister flipped Gracie's  world upside down.

 Big Sister Gracie taught Schatzie how to go down stairs

 So regal...notice the big feet!!

Best of friends....somedays :)

pretty girl resting under a tree on Molokai


  1. Happy Gotcha Day Schatzie! Hope you have extra fun today! You are a gorgeous puppy dog! My husband would love to have a German Shepherd.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy Happy Gotcha Day! these photos have me smiling from ear to ear. so beautiful, both of the sweet babies. I love those big paws and ears and the one on the steps when Schatzie is small and she is bigger is priceless.

  3. Happy Gotcha Day! The pics are AWEOME! Have a fun and safe New Years Eve! See you next year!

  4. what a cutie pie....great photos...


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