Wednesday, May 25

Meet the new Pup....


lunch time

RK22 (mom) and PK2

Known as PK2, gender unknown at this time, but we're hoping it's a girl!!


  1. Adorable. Mom said I look like a monk seal
    Edward (Lily)

  2. How wonderful - to have such a grand sight to be able to see whenever you want.

  3. Oh, we saw the title and got so excited just thinking that maybe . . . just maybe . . . well, you know . . . Anyway, this is a beautiful pup even if it can't sleep in the bed with you.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. How sweet! In Germany, Mom found one that they told her was about 5 days old. It cried and cried because it had lost it's mother. The seal rescue came and took it to their sanctuary.

  5. Wow, that's a big pup!!! Thanks for sharing!


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