Sunday, July 20

Snippets from the Bay...

Dear Diary,
I'll take sitting by the bay over shopping at the mall absolutely any day.
Love, me



  1. totally awesome photos today... the palm trees made me swoon. i love palms, all and any kind of palms....

  2. Mom looks forward to seeing your blog and all that beauty
    Lily & Edward

  3. I couldn't agree with you more,
    really nice group of snippets from the bay!

  4. Kauai still in my mind since we cam back home! With these wonderful photos really touch my memories of the island life. Thanks for sharing.

  5. i avoid malls like the plague - anywhere but there is fine with me! :)

  6. This is a great series of shots. Lots of good ones in there!

    I'll take sitting by the bay any day over shopping, unless maybe if I'm looking for camera equipment! LOL


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