Thursday, June 6

Just a Peek....

A doe in the pasture...I'm sure there's a fawn in that tall grass.

 A tiny tree swallow, probably a day or two old. 
Unfortunately, this one was the only one to hatch. The other 5 eggs were non viable.

The orioles right out side my kitchen window.
 Check out the kung fu action!!

Things continue to be hectic as our departure date creeps closer. I am  patiently awaiting the arrival of the Kauai permit so the Girlz are legal to enter the state of HI. I did receive a temporary notice of approval pending a confirmation from the Kauai Humane Society. 
So we're in...just need that magic number in my hand.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now with all my chores, sorting of necessary belongings that will be taken with us and decluttering for a garage sale in a few weeks. 
Seems that there's just not enough time in the day to get it all done.
But, this too, shall pass. 
Happy Thursday Everyone!!


  1. Beautiful pics! Hope everything comes together soon for the move.

  2. Moving is always a lot of work, but moving to Hawaii is in a class all to itself! You don't have to quarantine the dogs when you get there? I know my step sister moved there (husband in the military) many years ago, and we got her dog because she didn't want to put it through the 6 months of quarantine....Maybe they have changed those laws.....

  3. that little bird is a priceless photo.. hard to believe he will be pretty when he grows up.. and the kung fu birds made me laugh out loud... hope the approval comes soon, that will be one thing off the stress list

  4. laughing at the last shot. well, that one tree swallow should get lots of feed and attention. :(

  5. Hope the one little one survives
    Benny & Lily

  6. Hi Val, Life continues to move on even when you are preparing for a move. I meant to tell you that Kauai Humane Society is probably the nicest Humane Society I've ever seen-it is so impressive. Once you settle in, you'll have to take a drive sometime and check it out. They have the coolest dog park runs.
    Hope that grace is marking your days and peace flooding your soul.
    Love, Noreen

  7. Taking a few moments to view and photograph the wildlife is a great idea during such a hectic time. Love the orioles, tough little birds!

  8. And you have that beautiful goal to look forward to!

  9. Wonderful pictures! Sending good thoughts and wishes that you get through these hectic days.

  10. It is scary making such a big move. I remember when we moved back from Germany and all our stuff left a few days before we did and we were heading into the unknown staying with gramma for the first months until we found a home. The best thing is that you do declutter!

  11. Oh, I remember the days of moving from here to Bermuda and then back again. Egad. It's a big job. Amazed you still have time to take such gorg pics and post them! I'd just be freaking out and running from room to room, dropping one task and picking up another!

    But all the de-cluttering that comes with moving is great!

  12. There is just something about a brand new life and as you prepare for yours, I hope that you're able to stop and enjoy it all this weekend!! Take care!!

  13. I agree with must be so very exciting!! A whole new life for you and your family!! Love all your pics! Hang in there!!

  14. I sympathize with the hectic feeling! I hope things fall into place easily and things settle down soon!


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