Tuesday, August 9

Two Dogs Chasing Frogs....

The girlz have been keeping cool  by 'froggin" they will spend hours out in the pond trying to capture frogs. It's quite entertaining, Gracie jumps right in, but...doesn't particularly like getting SPLASHED by her horse of a sister.  Baths are usually in order after froggin cuz you get pretty muddy trying to catch frogs.
Here's some photos of the girlz froggin!! Enjoy.

Yes Schatzie, you can go froggin...

almost had one!

Gracie knows you gotta be very, very quite to catch a frog

Schatzie eyes one...

Gracie see it too...

but in the end...the frogs won.
Just wait til tomorrow you silly frogs, we'll get you!!

1 comment:

  1. Jake loves to chase frogs, I am looking through your dog photos. my niece has a Cody that looks just like Gracie and our favorite movies are K-9 and Jerry Lee in the movies looks just like Schatzie. Our toads pee in Jakes mouth and he foams at the mouth like a mad dog, but he keeps on picking them up.
    thanks for dropping by my madsnapper today. this past week I stopped posting on my dog blog, and combined into one, but if you want to see our dogs go to www.fourpawsetc.blogspot.com


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