Sunday, March 17

Duck, Duck, Goose....

Make that a lot of GEESE!!!!
These shots (not very clear, due to distance) were taken last friday evening. Living in Nebraska, we are in the flyway zone for many migratory birds. These are snow and blue geese headed to the tundra where they will mate and nest for the summer. I am guessing there were 5-6 thousand birds swirling above this cornfield  where they spent the night. I just wonder who the "head" goose is and how they decide where they will spend down time.  Watching them come in for a landing was really a site to behold and the goose chatter was deafening even at 1/4 mile away....I wonder how they avoid landing on one another or crashing. I mean there has to be at least one uncoordinated goose don't ya think!?!?!!? 

the arrival of 1000's of geese

 2 pair and a spare  :)
I wish I had sound so you could have heard the chatter.

Nature at it's best!!!

P.S. my bluebirds are back  :)


  1. It is amazing to watch isn't it?

  2. This is so awesome. It must be wonderful to experience in person
    Benny & Lily

  3. What an awesome sight! Our bluebirds have been back for a few weeks now.


  4. It's still so darned cold here, but seeing the birds migrating back has given me hope that maybe Spring will arrive here, too!

    1. We get Canada Geese by the dozen and they are noisy enough. I can't imagine 1000's!

  5. What a sight! I'd love to hear it too!

  6. that last shot is amazing.... wow... and i cant imagine the sound, even 30 of them are loud... wow again

  7. Wonderful pictures! Brown dawgs would be in heaven there!

  8. that is SOOOO awesome! i'd love to experience that!

  9. That's a good point! You'd think the younger ones would mess it up the first time! BOL!

  10. That's amazing - we have never seen so many birds here!

  11. Wow that is so cool! I've never seen anything like that up close and personal. Would love some audio. :)

    Thanks for stopping by and entering my contest. Good luck!

  12. Wow - how amazing! I can only imagine all the chatter!

  13. That is soooo cool and beautiful!! I'd love to have been there to see that in person! Thank you for sharing those shots!!! Wow!

  14. Great pictures! I agree, there must be one or two that aren't in synch with the others. There just has to be. Or a couple of smart-alecky ones that just do it a bit "off" to annoy others!

  15. What an amazing site that must have been and I bet the sound was just as great.
    Now My Vickie wants to go out for a day trip to our bird refuge. I want to thank you for giving her the idea.

  16. I think they are all on there way here. Spring must be on it's way finally. I finally seen my first robin yesterday a good sign. Although it is hard to be patient because it is 17 degrees here today. Burr....

  17. Wowzers! Look at all those gooses!!!
    That's just beautiful!
    Play bows,

  18. Yay, spring is on the way! I've never seen a scene like that one... thanks so much for taking those photos and sharing! It is incredible to imagine how they coordinate their maneuvers. Nature is amazing.

  19. I love the photos! I would love even more to be there!!
    Hope all is well with you. :)

  20. Lots and lots of geese! I hope you weren't under them when they took flight. LOL

  21. now that is a lot of geese...I bet it was noisy..


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