Thursday, March 22

Azure and Vogel....

So, they have been named...the blue birds that is!!  A little disappointed that I only had one entry in the name the blue bird contest, but, I am pleased with the winning names. Cyclechick is the winner of my little contest....(she's also my little sister:) so sis, let me know what shot of Azure or Vogel you would like to receive!!  The pair shall now be referred to as Vogel and Azure.  Vogel is the male, and vogel in German means bird!!  Azure is the female and azure in french means blue. So there you have it.   Azure and Vogel!!

It has been raining here for the past 4 days, so this  morning was the first time I have been able to get a good shot of them.  I was also pleased to see that they have been coming to the feeder where they have been given a feast of meal worms. They seem to like the place, as Azure was caught bringing nesting material to the box~~I guess this is where they will start their 2012 family.


Azure...making the house their "HOME"  :)
Linking with camera critters


  1. they are a beautiful couple, and i did not see a post that ask for names or i would have played. i like the names though as they are

  2. I love the names! You got some great shots!

  3. both great names! i was completely empty on brain fuel... :)

  4. they're adorable! I had finches when I was a young girl and I named them Darren and Samantha from a silly tv show named "Bewitch". these are such happy pics! Happy Spring!


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