Friday, August 19

There's a new Blogger in Town...

Gracie here, and I have decided to take over this boring old blog.  Told my momma nobody wants to read about the stupid mouse that has outsmarted her and poppy for the last week. By the way, they did catch one mouse, but that mouse had family and friends too!! So, the trap line has been reset. They've also said something about getting a cat....a CAT!! excuse me...I shall be the only PRINCESS in this house, thank you very much.
Nobody wants to see the beautiful sunsets, garden produce, projects around the house (oh, poppy is in the utility room making a heck of a mess) momma wants him to take out the old utility sink so the washer and dryer would fit properly, so that's what he's doing!! Schatzie and I are staying far away, some words are just to harsh for our ears to hear. 
Okay, back to my blog...yes, I told momma people want to read and see pictures of ME, JUST ME. I've hijacked this blog and as you can see I've made a few changes and improvements--geesh sometimes humans are just so boring. 

So, here's my first blog post... 

We had sweet corn last night, and NO I don't want to share with you!!

I think I do a fine job of cleaning off the cob

Yesterday I caught 2 frogs...yes I caught them and no they don't taste like chicken!
Momma wasn't quick enough to get the photo

I really don't understand why momma thinks I need a bath everyday after I've been froggin, DO YOU??


Okay, I've got stuff to do, hope you enjoyed my first post. See you tomorrow.



  1. gracie gracie gracie.... so good to see you sweetheart.... but honey, yo momma takes beautiful pictures.

    don't get me wrong i do love hearing about your adventures, but I would really miss those beautiful photos... Tell your mom you want a "go pro" camera so you can attached to your head when you go frogging...

    and one last thing.. a cat ain't so bad, they can be quite comical.
    love your buddy.

  2. Gracie-
    Tell mom you want your own blog- and call it "Gee-Dog's Blog"...


Thanks for dropping by...I would love to hear what you think of our adventures, so please feel free to add a comment.